Monday, November 30, 2009

daring bakers november challenge cannoli

This November's challenged was cannoli. I had never even eaten them before so I was a little nervous. Plus I am not really a huge fan of frying things I feel like I'm wasting oil, and my apartment smelled for days.

Here is the dough right before I rolled it out. It may have been too dry. I'm not sure because I have never made cannoli before.

I thought the dough was really hard to role out. I mean I don't have a rolling pin or anything so I used a cup, but it sprung back like crazy an I don't think a rolling pin would have fixed that.

I used a big mug as a guide to cut the circles out. Since I didn't have any forms I think I cut them too big.

I totally forgot that I was making cannoli when I was at the store so I did not even look for forms or anything that I could use as forms. So I looked all through my kitchen for something I could not only wrap the dough around but that would not melt in the hot oil and I came up with butter knives!

Camera reflection in the hot hot oil

The first one

Before I took them off the knives.

I got blisters! I was so excited to see that my cannoli blistered I was not sure that they would since everything seemed too thick.

All the shells I made.

I filled them with a cinnamon ricotta filling. It was slightly difficult to pipe the filling in because the shells were pretty narrow from using butter knives as forms.

And here I am after consuming the left over wine that went into the shells :)

Overall it was a pretty good experience. I would like to try cannoli prepared by someone else so I can know if I did it right or not. The shells were thicker than I expected, though I think that comes from me cutting them too large for the "forms". I was not a huge fan of them the first night (though my roommate was) but the next day I thought they were pretty good.


  1. Good to hear that a day make taste better and great job using butter knives as the forms and yes your fried shells certainly have blisters and warts well done. Love your picture after the wine tasting. Cheers from Audax in Australia.

  2. succeeded and awesome blisters! Yes, you could have rolled the dough thinner (I did it with a rolling pin, and it requires lors of cover, rest, roll..cover, rest, roll..repeat until paper thin and you can see your hand through it), but truth be told, they look perfect! I loved that you used butter knives as forms, and mentioned that in my entry :) Talk about finding a way to get something done. You are the epitome of a Daring Baker! Thanks so much for deep frying with me this month..fried smell in kitchen or not..LOL
